Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pouring Out or Overflowing - Part 4

We have spent several weeks together searching out ways to draw close to the Lord and to accept His filling to the point of overflowing.  When we pour out, we risk emptying ourselves, but when we are filled with HIM to the point of overflowing, we have unlimited resources from which to draw.   

In my last posts, I covered accepting His filling through worship and time in His Word.  Today I will discuss receiving His filling through prayer, which is a topic near and dear to my heart.   

I spent many years participating in and/or leading prayer groups for Moms In Touch International.  This organization consists of moms gathering weekly to pray for children and their schools.  While I focused mainly on public schools in my tenure, groups also exist for private and home schools and college / career aged children.  I’ll say without hesitation that this is where I leaned to apply the word of God directly to my life and where I truly learned to lean upon and trust the Lord.  We followed a simple, 4-step approach to prayer consisting of praise, thanksgiving, silent confession, and intercession. 

Often, when my kids share particulars about their lives, I can look back and remember praying for that specific thing.  Even years later, the Lord is still answering the prayers that I put before Him in my beloved MIT groups!  I know that the Lord hears prayers.  I know without a doubt that He answers them in ways that He deems appropriate, and I have come to trust with all my heart that His way is best.  Prayers are never wasted, and every single prayer is answered (although not always as we hope or expect). 

What I have learned most recently about prayer, however, is that I find Him there.  Prayer is more than my wish list presented to the God who controls all things.  It is fellowship with the Lord of Lords and is a great opportunity watch Him work, and receive more of Him in my life. 

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.”  In some versions "Be still" is translated “cease striving." In our stillness, in stopping all of our work and effort we find God.  In the quietness of our prayers, we enter His presence.  Prayer, for me, has become as much about being still before Him as it is about listing my needs and the needs of others.  When I allow my mind to focus on His Word, on His character, and on His truth, I accept His filling – to the point of overflowing.  He is real, and He is with me.  When I pray, it is as if I hear Him knocking.  I open the door of my heart and He comes in and dines with me.  (Rev 3:20.) 

I pray that you will allow Him to meet you where you are when you silence yourself before Him.  The time can seem uncomfortable at first, but I encourage you to press on until it becomes second nature to you.  May it become an essential in your life, and may you never wish to spend a day without it.

Blessings to you, my friend, as you receive His filling in your life.  May you overflow with His love, strength and the power of the Holy Spirit.

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