Monday, July 4, 2011

Pouring Out or Overflowing?

Have you ever thought to yourself, I just can’t take it anymore!  Or, I have nothing left to give that person?  How about the thoughts of, I’m too drained to stop and offer to help, or if my kids ask me to do one more thing, I’m going to drop!

As women, we often pour ourselves into those around us:  our, husbands, children, families, friends, bosses, and even strangers.  We serve fervently to the point where we run out of spiritual fuel.   Then, if even the smallest of crises hits, we have no energy left to deal with it in a reasonable manner.  While we trust the Lord, our emotions get the best of us and push us to what feels like the edge of a cliff.  Suddenly, instead of being able to serve those we love, we react with drama, or more as victims of our own circumstances.  We feel paralyzed from effectively supplying the support that others need, let alone keeping ourselves afloat.  

What if the cycle could be broken?  What if, when we gave all we had to others, we could somehow keep a “full tank?”  Imagine – if that were the case, we would never run dry.  We would constantly be full, even as we give of ourselves and serve others.  Imagine not running on empty but staying adequately supplied to do all that we need to do.

Recently one of our Pastors prayed for our church staff and asked the Lord to fill us to overflowing.   Instead of pouring ourselves out to those we serve, He asked that we be given enough of Him to serve from the abundance – out of the overflow – so that we, ourselves, never run empty.   Something clicked in my heart and his prayer continues to resonate deep within my spirit.

How would our lives look if we allowed the love of Christ to overflow through us?  What if we were so filled with the Spirit, with God’s love, with HIM, that it just naturally spilled out of us and into the lives of others?  I believe miraculous things could happen, but how do we reach that point? 

Over the next few weeks, I will show you how I believe it can be done and, perhaps, we can begin to walk the path together!   Until then, I encourage you to pray this for yourselves (from Colossians 1:9-12).  Will you please also pray it for me?  I’ll return the favor!

“Lord, please fill me with the knowledge of your will all spiritual wisdom and understanding so that I may walk in a manner worthy of You.  Help me to please You, to bear fruit in every good work and to increase my knowledge of You.  Strengthen me with all power according to Your glorious might, and fill me with steadfastness and patience.  I joyously give thanks to You, my Father.  In the power of the name of Jesus, I pray.”  

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