Thursday, April 6, 2017

Day Twenty-three - Fixing Our Minds on Christ

Thanks for joining me for one more devotion today as we continue to work on our family farm preparing for the wedding. 

“Act wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time. Your speech should always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer each person." 

Colossians 4:5-6

Sharing the Gospel

One of the things that Paul is relaying to us is the need to witness for Christ. The need to share the gospel. The need to bring people who are from the outside of our Christian faith in and allow them the opportunity to know Jesus Christ and to build a relationship with Him.

Here a couple of things that I just want to point out to you. 

1.  Paul encourages us earlier in this book to see people who don't know the Lord as a captive. They are held captive and they are deceived. When I see outsiders in that light it really spurs on my compassion and my heart for them. It gives me just an urgency to witness to them as to share the truth. So challenge number one to see the outsiders as captive.

2.  We need to remember to hold them in prayer. Again this is one of the most powerful things that we can do in our ministry and for the kingdom is to pray without ceasing. We are to pray for compassion for ourselves and also that those outsiders would have open hearts toward the gospel of Jesus Christ.

3.  We need to let our lives honor God.  We need to really be mindful of what we are communicating through our words, our actions, our motives, and everything about us that an outside world is watching. We need to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ. That's been a common theme throughout this book.

4. We need a willingness to talk about Jesus. It's one thing to show Jesus it’s another thing to tell about Him, to share our hearts, to let people in on the secret, and let them know what it is that gives us such a glow and such as shine for him.

So, that's what I want to encourage you today. First, remember that they are captives and they are deceived when they are outside of our faith. Secondly, they need our prayers. Third, we need to model Christ. Fourth, we need to talk about Him. 

Those are today's challenges for you. Follow those four steps. Be blessed today. Be encouraged in the word. Be strengthened by the word. 

I'll see you back here tomorrow.

Cathy McIntosh is the author of Victorious: Finding Triumph When Hope Seems Lost. When you can’t see God’s activity in your situation, you might begin to feel hopeless. You’re tempted to doubt His care and involvement in your life because He feels so . . . absent. Victory feels elusive as if God intends it for everyone but you.

But God is never absent. He is as involved in your life today as He was when He protected Queen Esther and the entire Jewish nation from annihilation, and He will bring victory.  Click here to purchase.

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