Monday, October 31, 2016

30 Days & 30 Ways: Developing a Heart of Gratitude

On this, the final day of October, what if we all made a plan for an intentionally gratitude-filled November?  Imagine how developing a heart of gratitude could affect our attitudes over the next month.

Here are 30 ideas to turn your heart toward gratitude this November – one activity for each day of the month.

1.     Ask the Lord to help you develop a grateful heart and open your eyes to the abundance of gifts that are all around you.
2.     In your prayers, thank the Lord for every member of your immediate family.
3.     Begin a gratitude journal. Grab a spiral notebook and write down 5 things for which you’re grateful.
4.     Send a thank you note by mail to someone who did something nice to (or for) you.  Maybe they did a very small something nice, but thank them with a note card sent through the US Postal service. You’ll make their day when they receive it.
5.     Even if you’re experiencing financial hardship, thank the Lord for what He’s provided and give a donation (maybe even just $1) to a charitable organization. Some stores ask if you’d like to “round up” to the next even dollar amount to give to charity or provide ways to give $1 or $2 to a non-profit group as you check out. Say yes today!
6.     Prayerfully thank the Lord for your health. Even if you’re struggling with illness, thank Him for the life and energy that He provided for today.
7.     Thank the Lord for your Spiritual Gifts and serve someone in need through your gifting. For example, if you have the gift of faith, share that faith with someone who may feel discouraged.
8.     Leave an “I am thankful for you” type of note in the lunch box or sock drawer of someone you love.
9.     When you notice kindness (someone opening a door for another, or somehow putting others before themselves), let them know that you noticed and say thanks.
10.  Write in your gratitude journal today. Can you list 10 things for which you’re grateful?
11.  Think of a friend who once helped you with a problem. Give her a call and let her know that you still remember and that it still blesses you.
12.  Reach out to someone on social media and randomly tell them you’re grateful for their friendship. You don’t have to get "ooey gooey", but deliver a short, sweet message of thanks.
13.  Say thank you to a teacher. This can be a school teacher, home school mom, Bible study teacher, Pastor, or mentor. Let them know you’re grateful that they invest in the lives of others.
14.  Is there someone who had a positive influence when you were a child? Reach out and thank that person. If they’re no longer living, thank the Lord that He brought them into your life.
15.  Thank the Lord today for dreams and longings that He’s placed on your heart and ask Him for ways to turn those dreams into reality.
16.  Consider a trial or hardship that you’ve faced and write down one thing that is better in your life because of that trial. Keep your note in a visible place and thank God for it throughout the day.
17.  Make (or purchase) cookies today for those who work at your local police of fire station.
18.  Deliver the cookies that you made (or purchased) yesterday. 
19.  Visit the website of your local town or city and learn the name of the current Mayor or other public official. Pray for them by name today in gratitude for their service.
20.  Write in your gratitude journal again today. List 15 things for which you’re grateful.
21.  Spend some time sitting or walking outside, noticing nature and creation. Thank God for His creativity.
22.  Clean out a small cluttered area in your home and gather items to donate. Express thanks to the Lord for His abundant provision to your family. Be sure to donate the items!
23.  Say thank you to a janitor or custodian. Maybe they clean your office building, or the restrooms in your local library. Let them know it matters to you and that you’re grateful.
24.  November 24th is Thanksgiving Day, 2016. Ask the people at your dinner table to share something they appreciate about each other.  Be sure to thank the Lord for His generous blessings.
25.  Purchase a small Christmas gift for a neighbor that you rarely talk with.  A coffee mug with a package of hot cocoa mix is a simple idea.
26.  When you’re in line at the drive through, contribute $5 or whatever you can afford as payment toward the order of the person in line behind you.
27.  Send a thank you card to your Pastor.
28.  Consider whether your gratitude has increased over the last month. Thank God for your change of heart and encourage a friend to accept this 30-day challenge. Let her know what a difference it’s made in your life. Share the love.
29.  Comment on an uplifting blog, article, or social media video and let the author know how they encouraged or challenged you.
30.  Write in your gratitude journal. Record 20 things for which you’re grateful.

Do you have other ideas on how to express gratitude? It’s a simple, yet powerful habit to develop. How has practicing a thankful heart impacted your life and the lives of those around you?  Please share your thoughts in the comments below.  Or continue the conversation on Facebook or Twitter.

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Be Strengthened Today, by His Word
Psalm 119:28



  1. Cathy,

    I love this post! These are such easy things to do, but will make a real impact in people's lives! I love that I don't have to think of ideas, because you've already done it for me. I'm going to jump in today with idea 19.

  2. Thanks so much, Bekah. Have a blessed Thanksgiving - and a heart filled with gratitude!
