Monday, October 21, 2013

How Do You Know God Loves You?

I fell into a spiritual slump not long after the Lord led me through a profound area of repentance.  I’d made some life-changing confessions to others and myself and I was free at last!  But the enemy didn't want me to feel comfortable in this fresh feeling of freedom. Underlying doubt played on continuous loop in my mind. I knew God could, and had, forgiven me but I sensed uneasiness in my spirit and had a hard time making the pieces of the forgiveness puzzle fit together.   

A business trip took me to Dallas, close to where a dear married couple of spiritual giants lived, a great Aunt and Uncle of my husband’s. When I refer to them as “great”, I mean that literally and genealogically. These two souls lived, breathed and loved Jesus Christ.  They made their home close to us in Colorado for a number of years and I’d known them since before we married, but I’d stayed in the background at most of our family gatherings.  I admired them from afar but didn't feel that I had much of a personal relationship with them.  At this crucial moment in my life, I had an important question that I not only wanted - but needed - to ask them.  

They thought it somewhat surprising when I called and asked if I could stop and see them during my trip to Texas, but they were most obliging and extended the famous southern hospitality. As my anxious heart pounded in my chest, we spent an afternoon and evening together talking about their new life in Texas, what church they attended, how they spent their days as retirees, giving updates on family members, and what brought me to the area. Finally, our discussions turned to spiritual matters and I heard the remarkable stories of when their hearts caught on fire for the Lord. They captured my full attention and at the right moment, I blurted out the question I’d come such a long way to ask,

“How do you know God loves you?”

I referred to myself, of course. I needed to know how God could love me after all I’d done. For me, this was the missing piece of the forgiveness puzzle and I needed an answer to silence my plaguing doubts.

He looked me straight in the eye and said, “Because God tells us in His Word.” And at that moment, I received one of the most profound, life changing gifts I've ever received.  This dear couple took my heart by its spiritual hand and showed me two passages in Scripture that I’ll forever call my own.   They encouraged me to read them, and not just read but devour, and not just devour, but to meditate and allow them to penetrate. For when we meditate on God’s Word, it can penetrate the deepest places of our heart.    

That’s the day I discovered my two favorite chapters in all of God’s word:  Psalm 139 and Ephesians 1. They've become personal love letters to me from a God Who asks that I cast my cares upon Him because He cares for me. I continually cast, and He responds with grace, mercy, and most of all, love. Not just in my moments of need, but also in times of rejoicing. The more I cast, the more He responds, and the more I'm filled with His love.

God speaks to us through His inerrant Word.  When He tells me He loves me I make a choice to believe Him, even when I don’t feel lovable. He knows more about me than I know myself and through the blood of Christ He sees me as holy, blameless and without blemish. I don’t have to understand it, for it is a mystery. My role is to accept it as truth. Embracing that truth has changed my doubting heart into one of strengthened faith. I pray the love of Christ brings life change for you as well.   

For I am persuaded that not even death or life, angels or rulers, things present or things to come, hostile powers, height or depth, or any other created thing will have the power to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!  Romans 8:38-39 (HCSB)

Your turn:

What are your go-to passages of scripture and why are they important to you?

Did you discover the passages by yourself or did someone share them with you?

How have they helped you through a spiritual slump?

I’d love to hear your story. Please share your comments!

Find strength today, by the Word, 

Psalm 119:28

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