Monday, June 6, 2011

You're Never Fully Dressed Without...

Do I have any sisters out there who also love the story of Little Orphan Annie? When Taylor was small, we spent hours enjoying the 1982 movie version with Carol Burnett. The story featured a musical radio commercial and the orphaned girls sang its jingle together, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile!”

This jingle popped into my head the other day when I saw a friend at church. I hadn’t seen her for a week or two and she looked amazing. She was all but glowing – there was something different and very lovely about her that I couldn’t put my finger on. Her countenance was confident and almost radiant, and the smile she wore was larger than normal. Her eyes sparkled and her peace was evident. I hugged her tightly and told her what I saw in her that morning. She just smiled some more, thanked me, and moved on through our hallways.

Later that morning, I sat in the same Sunday school classroom as this friend. During discussion, she mentioned that she had meaningful quiet time with the Lord nearly every day that week. I knew in an instant what was making her so radiant – the joy that comes from being in the Lord’s presence!

Nothing in her life had changed. Her circumstances were essentially the same as they had been for weeks, and yet, she was displaying joy in abundance. She shared the effect that reading His Word and focused prayer time had, and listed benefits such as restful sleep, a peaceful attitude and calmer relationships in her life (among other benefits). I wondered why, when we get busy, our time with God is the first thing pushed aside.

Do we realize that our time with the Lord can become our most beautiful fashion accessory? I know that I don’t often think of it that way, but the song from a fictitious radio commercial came into my head and I recognized that we are never fully dressed without first enjoying our quiet time with the Lord. True, inner joy has its foundation in spending time in God’s presence. Such joy is expressed in mighty ways, without saying a single word. My friend was the perfect example.

I offer the following challenge: As you fix your hair, perfectly apply your eye makeup and add color to your lips, remember that our most beautiful accessory is the radiant joy that manifests itself after enjoying deep communion with our Lord and Savior. Try it on for size and see what transpires!

You will make known to me the path of life;
In your presence is fullness of joy;
In your right hand there are pleasures forever.
(Psalm 16:11 NASB)

1 comment:

  1. I never before thought of our time with the Lord as a fashion accessory. But I will now :-)

    I'll be sure and pass this unto my wife :-)
