Monday, March 21, 2011

Rest For My Soul

This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16 (NASB)

The Lord gives us many choices, but He does not leave us to our own devices to decide which path to travel. He has given us the Holy Spirit as a Counselor and Guide. He has given us His Word, which shines a light unto our path. He has surrounded us with Godly counsel – those who have traveled a greater distance than we have and are available to share wisdom. The Lord goes before us and draws us to Himself.

When we stand at a crossroads, we do not stand alone. We have the freedom in Christ to ask where the good way is. Through Christ, we can approach the throne of grace and ask for the Lord’s discernment. He will answer and provide the counsel that we need. Heed it, and we will find rest for our souls.

The Lord’s way always bring peace, even when everything around us looks chaotic. When we seek His will at every turn, we can walk through a war zone feeling peaceful, content, and comforted by His love. Most certainly, we will not enjoy every experience that we face, but even when life is not pleasant, it can still be peaceful.

Application of Jeremiah 6:16 is for every aspect of our lives from daily task prioritization to deeper issues involving relationships and wounded hearts. When we lay everything at His feet – all of it – we can find rest for our souls! I don’t know about you, but I desire to live with a fully rested soul!

Stand – be still. Slow ourselves to the point of stopping so that we can sincerely seek and listen for His will.

Look – search out the way that the Lord has for us. Look for it with intention and purpose.

Ask – recognize that we do not hold all of the answers and seek counsel from the Holy Spirit, from God’s Word, and from Godly people in our lives.

Walk – Once we have received instruction, walk in it. Do as instructed; obey the Lord’s leading.

Find – as our journey continues, we can find His blessings that await us and enjoy the rest that He brings to our souls.

What crossroads do you face today? How will you proceed? In your own strength and wisdom or by His power and might?

Father, give me the strength this very day to humble myself and seek Your ways above my own. Allow me to find the rest that only You can bring to my soul.


  1. Greetings from Southern California

    I am your newest follower.
    I invite you to visit and follow my blog :-)

    God Bless You :-)


  2. Hi there, Ron! Glad to have you on board! Where in Southern Cal? We just returned from Anaheim and visited Newport Beach. It's a very beautiful part of the world! I'd love to live there!
